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Lake County Institute Day (1).png

Grades PRE-K Through 5 Vendor Registration



Chilled | $500.00 

Includes: table with 2 chairs to display, plus logo on conference material

Frosty | $800.00 

Includes: ONE breakout session, table with 2 chairs to display, plus logo on conference materials

Freezing | $1100.00

Includes: TWO breakout sessions, table with 2 chairs to display, plus logo on conference materials

Glacial $3,500.00 (only 1 available per conference)

Includes: Company commercial before keynote, THREE breakout sessions, table with 2 chairs to display, plus logo on conference materials

Grades 6 Through 12 Vendor Registration



Chilled | $500.00 

Includes: table with 2 chairs to display, plus logo on conference material

Frosty | $800.00

 Includes: ONE breakout session, table with 2 chairs to display, plus logo on conference materials

Freezing | $1100.00

Includes: TWO breakout sessions, table with 2 chairs to display, plus logo on conference materials

Glacial $3,500.00 (only 1 available per conference)
Includes: Company commercial before keynote, THREE breakout sessions, table with 2 chairs to display, plus logo on conference materials

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